Blue Enterprises is owned by Marilyn Starlight, I have no partners this enterprise in whole covers activities of Blue Matrix Energetics energy science teachings and my writing projects for Hollywood. I am also Marilyn Monroe reincarnated.
In the search for a way to provide a practical model of energetic science practice that also explains how energy healing and focus works that science and medicine may also accept the theories more easily the practice of Blue Matrix Energetics (BME) was founded by me Marilyn Starlight (originally Barbra Hudson prior to my writing career commencing.
Quantum Mind Tech tools (QMTtools) is the foundation of focus techniques offered in BME which harnesses the principals of energetic science where by the effects of the QMTtools creates measurable favorable changes and or effects on the biological matrix; of biological alchemy for the being using the practice.
Benefits of practicing QMTtools have been experienced are: cessation of ageing, instant healing of acute disease in some individuals, great improvement in chronic disease in those individuals who changed their self reflective state through higher consciousness work. Increased mitochondrial activity is unique to the practice of BME as a result of the effects of QMTtools on the biological matrix linking this highly important cellular change to longevity and the cessation of ageing in addition to a much higher energy level enjoyed through the day by the practitioner. Increased IQ scores have been observed in those who study QMTtools as a result of the application of abstract reasoning type conceptual work which has increased the wealth, personal achievement and general success of individuals who study and practice all the BME tools. In addition children of practitioners of BME many find their kids do not get sick any more. If marriages are free of strife this is usually the case; the kids heal very quickly in healing sessions of BME people learn in the live event for their own use and practitioners who want to do a practicum for opening their own private practice we have many who we have trained in various areas practicing successfully). Many parents who have learned BME QMT tools have had huge relief at how fast their kids heal with this energy science healing practice.
Because of the challenging times we live in today as a society the Marilyn Starlight's articles were written by me as a complimentary writing and in it there are QMTtools given several offering a basic introduction to the work of BME. Important articles I have written hidden in secret areas usually behind pictures or linked to in this work await as does a truly amazing story of reincarnation of me and my children that also is related to the tool of examining time travel and the examination of past lives as a skill of the non linear entity consciousness that is able to do this. Much more awaits that has to do with building of a personal quantum field and contributing mindfully to what I term the New World Order of Love finally abolishing the chaos of disorder in the quantum field and in society participating. Starlight's Lands is a term for those who love the concepts presented in this body of writing and who also apply the principals of QMTtools to a greater or lesser degree for example if they study other energetic sciences work that is effective for them in contributing to the overall collective quantum field or quantum lands forming in the participatory Starlight's Lands.
In ancient Mesopotamian and Egyptian cultures the Pharaohs were taught the initiations of tying the ties to the formation of Lands and when complete was represented by this finalized training and activity by the Ankh symbol of immortal wisdom. Reincarnation has afforded me a memory of how these initiations and lands function which is also partly shared in this writing and in the teachings of BME where by we have an understanding of the advanced biological matrix information the Pharaohs suggested in their initiations from childhood practice that would prepare them for hyperspace experiences in addition to marriage and ruler ship over lands. QMTtools teaches the practitioner to create from the exalted state developed through the application of his or her practice and allows the re-examination of history which has missed a large part of our important heritage taught thousands of years ago that is a foundation of healing and focus work today and finally may be understood 'decoded' for science and medicine affecting its evolution favorably.